Falcon files Thursday June 5, 2008.

From John:

Been a while since the last FF. Been a heck of a Winter here. It was long and cold, and I wasn't particularly in the mood for that weather- lots to do on Falcon GT.
So what did we manage to get done
- relaxed a fair bit – 'it's too snowy to get out'
- visited Mum in Aus – very nice with Doug G
- 4 of us now have ham radio licences
- 2 of us know where the book is for celestial nav – great course at the National YC
- Stuart is the medic
- Brendan is the journo/photographer

Anyhoo – here's the scoop – got the boat dans le water, mast in and snugged down. Popped on the J1 (jib#1) and the furler – fits great. Side rigging was too short last year but after mixing up which side was which it now fits perfectly, forestay fits perfect, put the boom and mainsail on – fits perfect – what happened?? Must have stuffed up something last year. Anyway all good news. Now fro sailing.
Snuck out solo – could not resist it - had the main and J1 up in 5 knots of calm seas – gliding along at 3knots – nice.
Next time out in 10 knots – hard on the wind – 6 knots with the main looking like an aircraft wing – solid and shaped great. Next time 15 gusting to 20 - J1 and 2 reefs – main sets just like it should – just powering along – would not get 8.2 but 8.1 and 7.9 hard on the wind and 8 running down. Steering slightly heavy but feeling good. I love it!!

It's a different feeling to last year. – maybe the changes underwater, and the improved reefing system has done the trick.

Now we have a boat.


Bronte slip 325 – Welcome aboard.